one mask/prop is complete, funny story actually. at first all measurements were considered and correctly executed one might say, however on later developments this is not the case. Prop No.1 was originally held together by pins and stuffed with scrunched paper, having this in mind the eyes were cut out at a height inline with the models eyes. commencing the stitching which was performed through the technology of a sowing machine; an area I do not compose any form of skill in. I was drastically wrong in my judgments of where the stitched line should follow and the mass of pillow filler needed for this piece. this resulted in the eyes not lining up and the upper half flopping over. after reflection it's come to mind that eyes should be cut after sowing and that gravity is a very real component one should not ignore.
small digital edit
experimenting with some small digital editing of my Bag For Life bag, I wanted to see what I could do with the apps on my phone- curiosity I guess. as of this moment I am not overwhelmed with the outcome but it is definitely something worth coming back to and exploring in further detail.
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